Nancy Ann WorkshopsThursday, May 2, 2024
A special 'Thank you' to Virtually Everything Nancy Ann UFDC doll club for sponsoring this educational event!
See our full program below!
Learning the Lingo!
Have you ever seen Nancy Ann dolls described using confusing words and odd abbreviations? From 'MIJ' to 'pinch face' to 'Nancy Ann ribbon', be in the know and understand what Nancy Ann collectors and dealers mean when they describe these dolls.
Displaying and Storing Our Precious Dolls, PLUS easy cleaning hacks!
Learn about and discuss how to preserve, store, and display our dolls. Environmental factors such as light, dust, smoke, handling, and repetitive changes in temperature and humidity all damage dolls and clothing. Preventative measures will be suggested as well as cleaning hacks to freshen your dolls! A handout of helpful ideas will be provided!
Make a Nancy Ann Singing Flower Doll!
Right from the pages of Alice in Wonderland, make a Singing Flower Doll to brighten up your collection! In this hands-on session your creativity will shine as you make your own Nancy Ann Flower doll!